Speak with the Casco Bay Recovery Team: (844) 953-1628

Casco Bay Recovery Blog

Dietary Supplements and Recovery: What Works?

What Helps and What Doesn't The road to recovery from addiction can be long and challenging. Seeking ways to optimize your health and well-being during this journey is...

Substance Abuse in Maine Small Communities

In the tight-knit fabric of Maine's small communities, discussing and addressing substance abuse requires sensitivity and a well-considered approach. The prevalence of...

Sobriety and Social Media: Protecting Your Mental Health

Social media has become an undeniable force in our lives. It offers a constant stream of connection, information, and entertainment. However, for those in addiction...
Your Comprehensive Guide on How to Get Sober

Your Comprehensive Guide on How to Get Sober

Beginning the journey of sobriety can be a challenging but ultimately worthwhile endeavor that requires dedication, courage, and having people in your corner. By building up this strong support network around you, it is possible to reap mental...

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Mental Health During the Holidays

Mental Health During the Holidays

Holidays can be joyous but also challenging for people dealing with stress, family complexities, or societal pressures. Prioritizing mental health is crucial during this season. The holidays are supposed to be a time of joy and celebration, but for...

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