Speak with the Casco Bay Recovery Team: (844) 953-1628

Family-TherapyA range of addiction treatment therapies can help those who are working to overcome drug and alcohol addiction. Group therapy and family therapy can all be part of personalized addiction treatment plans. This is especially true for clients with substance use disorders that have strained and damaged family relationships due to their addictive behaviors.

If you or someone in your family has substance issues and you are searching for a family therapy program in Portland, Maine, contact Casco Bay Recovery. Reach out to our team online or call us at 844.940.4407 to ask about our family counseling services. We’ll help you and your loved ones rebuild trust with the help of an experienced therapist.

What Is a Family Therapy Program?

An excellent family therapy program can help resolve family issues and even maladaptive transgenerational patterns. Confronting and dealing with issues that have created estrangements, misunderstandings, and resentments can help restore the wellbeing of a family in therapy.

Why should family therapy be part of most addiction treatment programs? Here’s the truth: Addiction is not only a chronic disease but also a family disease. Family members can unknowingly hurt a person with a substance use disorder by enabling them and making their addiction worse. However, family member support can also play a vital role in helping their loved one recover and get sober.

Sharing difficult emotions, such as anger, disappointment, fear, frustration, shame, and stress, in a safe and therapeutic environment can be transformational for a client’s recovery, as well as their family’s. In this way, family therapy can be especially helpful for substance use-affected families to communicate and understand each other’s intentions and feelings.

Benefits of our Family Counselling in Portland, Maine?

Family therapy can focus on varying problems and themes as deemed appropriate by the family therapist, including:

  • Communication problems
  • Conflict resolution
  • Domestic violence
  • Financial problems
  • Grief
  • Health concerns
  • Infidelity
  • Marital strain
  • Parenting
  • Relationship dynamics
  • Trauma

If a client’s family experiences problems in any of those areas, whether or not it’s obvious that it has anything to do with their substance use disorder, their addiction treatment program should include family therapy sessions.

Family therapy provides family members consistent opportunities to share and hear how each family member has experienced each other’s actions, along with their feelings related to those experiences. During family therapy, relatives can learn if they have been as helpful as they intended or unknowingly harmful when dealing with their loved one’s addiction.

What Are Other Addiction Treatments That Work with Family Therapy?

Alongside family therapy, a client can have most other forms of care on their schedule, as long as it’s available to them. It wouldn’t be easy to set up concurrent treatments if a client’s family therapy program is an outpatient one. However, maintaining appointments for multiple forms of care is easy for a client on an inpatient program.

Psychotherapy or talk therapy, if not already used in family therapy, should nevertheless be part of most addiction treatment plans. Other forms of group therapy, typically attended by clients who are peers, may also help clients make new and supportive friends. They may also realize that they are not alone in experiencing the difficult parts of recovery.

Other approaches, such as acupuncture or yoga, may also improve a client’s general health, relaxation, and calmness, which will help them deal with their addiction triggers, maintain their sobriety and deal with the dysfunctional and frustrating parts of being a member of their family.

Learn About Casco Bay Recovery’s Family Therapy in Portland, Maine

Searching for an addiction treatment-focused family therapy program in Portland, Maine? Contact Casco Bay Recovery’s team online or call us at 844.940.4407.