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Individual-Therapy Addiction treatment therapies can significantly help clients as they navigate overcoming their substance use disorders. Many forms of care make up typical addiction treatment programs. For example, individual therapy involves meeting with a trained professional one-on-one in a safe and nurturing space. At Casco Bay Recovery, we offer this type of therapy to most of our clients. The first few sessions may focus on the therapist gaining insight into a client’s history and current struggles. This type of therapy has a strong focus on building a positive connection, rapport, and trust between the client and the therapist. Contact Casco Bay Recovery online or call 844.940.4407 to learn more about our programs and services.

What Is an Individual Therapy Program?

An individual therapy program is an often customized program for client treatment that has to do with the client’s personal experiences. This type of treatment can be part of a much larger program at our addiction treatment program. However, we may also recommend this treatment as a stand-alone treatment for certain mental health difficulties or relationship problems.

Individual therapy programs have been shown to have many benefits, including the following:

  • Feeling empowered and establishing a sense of confidence and independence
  • Having better socialization and communication skills
  • Having improved awareness and more insight
  • Learning how to solve problems and make decisions in complex situations
  • Learning new skills in order to tolerate stress and other behavioral and emotional difficulties
  • Making use of a private, safe, and individual setting to share struggles and difficulties
  • Processing emotions and feelings properly

Individual counseling is typically part of our substance abuse treatment programs and is usually part of addiction treatment therapy. Psychotherapy can also treat other mental health conditions that co-occur with substance use disorders.

Which Clients Need Individual Counseling?

Sometimes experts call this treatment psychotherapy or talk therapy. Individual counseling allows clients to receive personal support and experience growth during challenging times in their lives. This form of care can help clients deal with many personal topics, such as:

  • Anger
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Substance abuse
  • Relationship problems
  • School or career difficulties

Anyone that struggles to deal with any of these topics by themselves may need individual counseling. Individual counseling allows clients to explore their beliefs, behaviors, thoughts, and feelings in a safe and secure space. With their therapist, they can identify aspects of their lives that they would like to change and unpack influential memories. They can also better understand themselves and others, set personal goals, and then work toward their desired changes.

How Does Individual Counseling Help With Addiction Treatment?

In the context of addiction treatment therapy, individual counseling may help clients understand how they developed their substance use disorder. They also learn what their triggers are, how to cope with cravings, and stay sober for the rest of their lives. Addiction is more than a physical dependence on problematic substances. Even after detox, when a client’s body is no longer hooked, they’re still at an increased risk of relapsing. Individual counseling can help a client deal with certain psychological and social factors that can lead to recovery setbacks, such as:

  • Stress
  • Social network issues
  • Memories of addictive behaviors
  • Mental health issues

Individual therapy can also help clients that experience co-occurring disorders. These conditions can significantly impede an individual’s recovery. Fortunately, dual diagnosis treatment programs can address conditions simultaneously, encouraging long-term recovery.

Begin Your Recovery at Casco Bay Recovery

If you are looking for an addiction treatment program that includes individual counseling in Portland, Maine, our team can help. Contact Casco Bay Recovery by calling 844.940.4407 or using our convenient online form to learn more about our programs and services.