Speak with the Casco Bay Recovery Team: (844) 953-1628

Cognitive-Behavioral-TherapyTreating addiction involves taking steps to teach individuals how to think differently about themselves, relationships, and their life in general. Doing so can help to improve outcomes by providing real tools to help a person to not use substances again. The right addiction treatment therapies can help a person overcome challenges and develop strategies for dealing with addiction symptoms. A cognitive-behavioral therapy program (CBT) is one type of therapy we offer at Casco Bay Recovery that can help you.

Reach out to our treatment center in Portland, Maine today by connecting with our team at 844.940.4407.

A Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Program Can Help You Think Differently

The premise of cognitive-behavioral therapy is to help a person learn to recognize negative and inaccurate thought processes so they can change them. That can sound easy, but the process is more complex. Often, a person who uses drugs and alcohol works through a thought process that is typically very negative. Those negative thoughts can lead to poor decisions. The goal of CBT is to recognize the presence of these thoughts and then to know how to change around.

There are various types of CBT. At Casco Bay Recovery, we offer several options including dialectical behavior therapy. At the heart of these programs are several goals:

  • Learn to identify negative thoughts. This can be difficult especially if you are not good at looking within to find out what’s happening. However, you’ll learn methods of self-discovery that can help you to better learn what’s happening.
  • Practice skills. You’ll work to practice a range of new skills to help you in real-world situations. For example, you may do some role-playing to learn how to spot those negative thoughts coming on. You’ll then learn how to deal with them in a different way so as to avoid relapse.
  • Creating goals. Often, CBT also incorporates the use of goal setting. This can help you to achieve new changes in your life. We use a process that builds confidence and creates clearly defined goals.
  • Problem-solving. Another important part of a successful CBT program is to give you the tools you need to solve complex problems. Doing so may help you to minimize the frustrations that can develop and often lead to substance abuse.
  • Self-monitoring. You will need to learn how to monitor yourself including your symptoms, behaviors, and experiences over time. This is often done in a diary. It enables you to get additional help that you need to minimize relapse risks.

CBT is a process that takes some time. Yet, it can be a refreshing way to see yourself and your life. Our goal is to teach you the strategies to make these changes, allowing your brain to heal from the damage addiction often causes.

Our Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Program in Portland, Maine

We offer CBT as a component of our addiction treatment programs. It may be used in mental health disorder treatment as well. In these programs, you’ll be able to live at home while coming in for care as much as needed. Our team supports you in rebuilding your life with strategies that can help you specifically. You’ll also have access to individual and group therapy. Some of the treatment programs we offer that may help you include:

  • 12-step program
  • Partial hospitalization program
  • Intensive outpatient program
  • Outpatient treatment program
  • Day treatment program
  • Medication-assisted treatment

Explore Treatment with Casco Bay Recovery

There is a lot to learn and new skills to develop to create a clear path to addiction recovery. Casco Bay Recovery wants to provide you with everything you need to thrive. Reach out to our team to learn more about our cognitive-behavioral therapy program and other treatment options. You may find these are exactly what you need to thrive and feel like you again. Call us at 844.940.4407 or connect with us online today.